Monthly Archives: February 2016

1. God
2. Daffodils in a cobalt colored vase on the window sill
3. A heart from Debbie in a little gold leaf sack
4. Heather brought trays of crudites and fruit and yogurt sauce
5. Donna whom I have grown to trust
6. Nancy, like a dancer, so skilled with crafts, anything detailed and intimate really
7. Eric is one of the rarest of birds, so calm and helpful, and not afraid to ask questions and try something
8. The angel of light from the nurses
9. Cards and well wishes
10.New chapter ?

  • Fun unexpected phone call from my cousin Tom….Wis. dairy farmer….maple syrup :)
  • Amanda working on her conversational French
  • GPa meeting another Korean veteran…war stories :)
  • True story:  remembering the huge train wreck on Feb. 2, some 25+ yrs. ago, at about 3a.m….it was minus 72 degrees with wind chill !! Yes, 72 degrees below zero :(  Explosion woke us up!  The windows at the Carroll College dorms were blown out… grateful because no one was seriously injured throughout it all….night before the dorm students had pulled their beds away from the windows and covered the windows with the curtains to keep out the cold…a blessing.  The students were transported to a safe place and they were lining up to use a phone to call parents….no cell phones then!  Property damage throughout a large area….our home was okay….went to work that day and pitched in for those people who were not able to be there. 
  • David watching the Broncos parade in Denver…got good pics of Peyton as well :)
  • Cathy back from her fun trip to Florida :)
  • Harry with his white “santa” beard….when he saw our overloaded grocery basket at the store he exclaimed “Holy Christmas! You’re gonna have to get a job!” …to pay for the groceries, of course LOL  Good ole Harry, gotta love him :) 

SNOW * * * *

How pretty the snow looks!

The sound of snow plows clearing my way

Just the right amount

Knowing where my snow brush is

The ultimate blunder that has hubby and me back on track

Walking around better

Ice packs

Silly cats

Spending the evening hunting for my rice ice pack then finding it this morning!

Be safe!




Slow down

Rose told me when I fell last week that I should slow down.

Let my actions be intentional,mindful,appreciative,kind,constructive,well chosen,contemplative and careful.

Today I am grateful for snow scrapers,warm socks, morning coffee, unexpected money, laughter, brighter spirits and clean underwear!