Monthly Archives: March 2016

Spring is Coming!

1. 4 more days until Spring!
2. I have been counting down since the middle of Winter
3. the weather is warmer
4. phasing out the heavy Winter clothes
5. the robins are dancing around
6. I can see buds here and there
7. some of the Spring bulbs are blooming
8. the skies seem bluer than blue
9. getting ready for the Annual Dance of Spring!
10. Mimosas, tea, cookies, silly headbands, a fairy garden around the old maple tree, scarves to wave — yippee yo yo YO!

Gratitude for the simple things

I met Crystal at the library and began a discussion of gratitude.

Her little girls are so patient and quiet while the grown ups talk about things.

My conclusion was to break every gratitude into smaller and smaller components. Like dissecting a sentence.

I am grateful for the Reading Challenge I’m in.

Grateful for the variety of books there are.

Reading a variety is like a buffet. I might not like everything but I savor a few bites.

Whoever taught me to read whether it was my mother or my teacher. That moment when a bunch of letter became a word and then an idea, Wow!

I always have a few books going at once. Just finished a novel about Vietnam. Waiting is Anne of Green Gables, a science fiction about werewolves and a historical fiction from the vantage of a room.

Gratefully yours,M.E.


  • Grateful for the blessing of a beautiful and healthy baby girl born into our family yesterday :)
  • And, as you know, yesterday was Pi day….did you know that Albert Einstein was born on March 14 (1879)? 
  • GPa’s good news from the eye doc :)
  • Amanda’s (International Womens Day) awesome tribute to the women in our family…great!
  • Like those cute smiley face scrubbies…makes those tasks more pleasant :):)
  • Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree…that makes it a plant which means…chocolate is salad!
  • Easter candy is in egg form…it qualifies as breakfast food!

Tuesday Observations

The world out there is waking up. Daffodils blooming and buds on the trees.Birds herald the approaching Spring.

I’m going shopping for Easter basket goodies. We provide the opportunity for people to choose thing for their children’s baskets when they come to pick up a basket of food.Meeting the neccessities.

There is a particular age that is hard to find things for. Not a child but clinging to childhood.I accept the challenge.

Thank you for Spring.

Thank you for children.

Bless those with a little less.

Bless those who provide food.The bakers who make cookies. The people who give of their time.

Bless the tweens. May they pass through adolescence unscathed.

Open my eyes that I may see and my lips that I can offer a word of encouragement.



  • Nice Home
  • Perfect Family
  • Strong Faith
  • Supportive Boyfriend
  • Soon to be perfect Job
  • Passing Grades
  • The Secret
  • My Income
  • My Life
  • My Recovering health stage

Life is good, lets not waste it, be thankful for each and everyday we have on this earth. Appriciate, Love, Honor & Cherish the life you live and the lives around you as well.

1. God
2. Thank yourself, too, Crystal :)
3. Michel and Bill’s new dachsunds, eight weeks old
4. Oliver talking to us across the fence about sod and grass seed
5. Chairs on the porch in the sunlight
6. Spoken poetry
7. The voice as an instrument (even in an unknown language or tongue)
8. Being with