Monthly Archives: April 2016

Sunshine Today

  1.  So excited that I stayed with the zumba class and followed along pretty well!  Yipee!!!!
  2.  happy to see a few pink blossoms on my cherry tree
  3. cheerful birdies singing songs
  4. unity chapel prayer list;  feeling like you are helping when you add names to this list
  5. thankful that Carol keeps us informed of the new additions
  6. Friendship with the Island girls warms my heart and is comforting in times of need
  7.  Best friend “friendship”  I could not live without that
  8. Thankful for the gift of this day
  9. thankful for each one of you and wish you blessings, joy, and peace


  • Grateful for little Maia and an invitation to her school play tonight
  • Grateful for the rain last night and the sunshine today
  • Grateful for walks
  • Grateful for my job
  • Grateful my family has good health
  • Today


  • Grateful for the beautiful weather we had all weekend.
  • Grateful for the extra money made cleaning cars and the referrals.
  • Grateful for the day spent with Grandma on Saturday.
  • Grateful to see EW and KS this weekend and for their support.
  • Grateful for Dads help.
  • Grateful for Today

Gratitudes April 9-15, 2016

  1.  Sat Apr 9: Thankful for a pleasant walk to work and back, made progress on a project, good meals, well rested, and pleasant interactions with others.
  2. Sun Apr 10: Grateful for a productive day, making it to pilates class, shopping, cooking, and realizing I need to learn to take time to rest and not push myself so hard so fast so much.
  3. Mon Apr 11: Productive day at work, early to appointment, helpful conversations with co-workers, made progress on work and personal to do list.
  4. Tues Apr 12: Made progress at work, friendly help from co-workers, good meals, opportunity to stretch and turn in early.
  5. Weds Apr 13: had a positive very busy day with friendly help and communication from coworkers.  Appreciated inspiration to stay out of negativity.
  6. Thurs Apr 14: Productive day with friendly help from coworkers, good meals, and some stretching]
  7. Fri Apr 15: Productive and busy day, early for appointments.  Lovely concert in the evening.  Helpful information from internet “The Truth About Cancer” episode 4.  A good day.