Monthly Archives: May 2016

1. God
2. Blooming rhododendron
3. My daughter using her training to help a man who fell out of his wheelchair.
4. This everything
5. The cat who wants to come and live with us. Maybe our cats just growl at him when they have an audience.
6. Improvise to improve
7. “the needle’s strength and the thread’s purpose” Laura Grace Weldon.


Not only surviving but thriving.

Meeting the queen of gratitude as the local laundromat. When I would watch my kids play video games they  would meet characters that had messages. Crystals was Stay calm and do what is right.

Church meeting out of the way . This month’s problems resolved. Next month’s will be next month’s.

Grateful Laurie is OK and Ron is holding steady.

Grateful Sue behaved well. New approach is to pray for her.

Groupon. Tonight’s adventure an Italian bistro.

Appetizer,entrees,drinks. $19.95

People asking  for seats so they can watch Cavs game.

The bliss of a quiet evening.


Grateful to be grateful

Praying for those that vex us

Grateful for Sylvia. Long time friend. I love to clean her house.

Picturing positive outcomes

Reading stories written by teenagers that amaze me.

I can see (mostly)

I can hear (most everything)

I smell well and good after a shower(Ha!)

I can taste so many wonderful things.Like Pavlov’s dogs I salivate to think of food.

Thank you note.

Okay day here I come!


Mid May gratitudes

lilacs blooming outside but hanging baskets are inside temperature too uncertain

Happy Anniversary Jan and Bob

Scrounging up a few bucks for a neighbor .She asked for $2.50 gave her a little more.

Knowing my troubles will find solutionsThinking of solutions but not tying myself up in knots


Looking forward to warm days and warm nights

June’s promises