While the coffee brews I will percolate the thoughts brewing in my brain
Grateful for sunsets even viewed alone they provide a tranquil end to the day
The soft hum of our new air conditioner The old one clattered and wheezed but was just puffing not blowing cool air
Grateful to Rose who was supportive of me when my spirits were flagging
I see a lunch in our future
Calling Dennis to check in and reassuring him he is not alone
The wonder of email that i can reach out to him this morning
Grateful for all the modern conviences that make life easier
Ordering new floor mats for the car
Starting to sort through things for rummage sale. I’m so blessed time to share the bounty.
Collecting used jewelry for a n organization in Akron
Being sad that my tablet won’t do Pokemon Go but sharing the joy of those who are playing. It’s a phenomenon! Pokemon Phenomenom!