Monthly Archives: July 2016

1. God
2. Bev with her “turtle” laugh
3. Help along the way
4. Happy dog
5. First eggplant, hanging towards the ground
6. Outside on another hot night
7. Matrices
8. Circles
9. Dissonant grace notes or chords

Thank you

  1. Good news from great people
  2. the Mothersbaugh exhibit- have to admire such prolific creativity
  3. soft eyes, calm mind
  4. noticing what helps, what doesn’t
  5. Martha Beck’s integrity cleanse
  6. H when we get to hang out solo
  7. A when we do, too
  8. the warm summer
  9. M won tickets to a concert for later this month
  10. this

  1.  A new day
  2.  The good kind of sore
  3.  Sleeping deeply and peacefully
  4.  Temperature control
  5.  The mind-blowing resilience of the human spirit and body
  6.  A surprise call from my cousin
  7.  My mom would (fairly literally) do anything for me if she believed it would be helpful
  8.  Husband reading Good News Network story aloud to me over breakfast
  9.  The right supplies for the job
  10.  World War II veterans


Have been watching America’s Got Talent. Some acts make you cringe some give you goosebumps.The Bible says we all have talents so grateful for the talented people in my life.

Hubby ‘s talent of patience with me.He hates dirty dishes. There has been a war against them since he retired. Of course he will never win but I admire his desire.

Dennis is a photographer. He sees beauty everywhere.

My friend Jill is a Christian  comedian. Refreshing that she doesn’t resort to base humor.

Laughter. Grateful for all its benefits. We are visited by skilled laughers at Laughing Club.

Grateful for music. My soul sings.

Grateful for the talent of organization.

Last summer I was in a play. It was outside my comfort zone but I did well.

Did you know I wrote a play?

I’m looking forward to the Olympics. Dedication,discipline and desire to achieve. Talented athletes.

1. God
2. Self compassion
3. Editing
4. colorful punctuation of zinnias
5. Triangles
6. Strangeness
7. Got my contract for next year in the mail, looks like the college wants me back ;)
8. Alan loaned us a table and some chairs
9. Cheryl gives Peabody and Pegasus treats
10. The yellow birds have returned with the blooming sunflowers

  • We are having so many perfect summer days :)
  • Here is a true very long story made very short: Last week on yet another beautiful day, early in the morning, we went fishing, from shore,  with our son and daughter…
  • GPa’s pole began bobbing so he ran over to it, tripped, and rolled down an embankment, landing on his stomach…
  • D & C moved him over on his back and after using their knowledge about injury, got him on his feet and to the truck…
  • Took him to the ER at the V.A. where they performed xrays and cat scan…
  • GRATEFUL for no broken bones!  It’s been almost a week and GPa is mending and will heal in time.
  • A little humor :) Doc at the V.A. had gone fishing in the same place that afternoon…guys in the ER all wanted to know if GPa caught that fish :)…Nope, and neither did the Doc :)
  • Reminder for all of us that we need to be more cognizant of GPa’s vision impairment.
  • THANKFUL for family who rally ’round when and where we need them…in the ER, at home, and with phone calls from those not here.
  • The comment on Mary Ellen’s recent list rings true: “Caring for yourself to strengthen so that you can give.” 
  • To all of our WLG friends, Stay Well and Take Care!

New day

Grateful today for the slower pace of summer

New job on Friday

Grateful for clean clothes

Fritatta for breakfast

A phone call from Meg .Thank you God, she was a wonderful idea!

Almost oldest daughter’s birthday. She will never know how proud she has made us.


Staying in the present

Knowing I have all I need

Don’t sweat the small stuff






  1.  Friends who know just what to say
  2.  Naps
  3.  Excellent health insurance
  4.  Providers you trust
  5.  A flattering cut
  6.  Options
  7.  Remembering it can be easy
  8.  Silly messages
  9.  Clean water
  10.  Working vehicle

Every little this

Finding the secret is in the details. Life is absolute we have nothing but every little this

Caring for yourself to strengthen so that you can give

Wonderful news on a project that needs to be done at Church

The obstacle course to get it done but believing in the outcome

Lunch with Rose. We  talked and listened and communicated.A lot in common. A lot of the same conclusions.A lot of sharing.

Believing that you are worthy, blameless,unburdened and free

The power of prayer

A  virtual rose given as a reminder

Planning the women’s retreat

Reading a book in an air conditioned room. A satisfying ending to the book. A satisfying day!


In a word or two

This forum ,these people, the results of expressed gratitude

Lunch with Rose today. So aptly named. She is exquisite and unique.

Read Charlotte’s Web last night.As Charlotte assigns a word to Wilbur he lives up to it. What word defines you?

The joy of reading children’s books.

Jean and Gpa. Reading her post is comforting and comfortable.

Missing Carol but  caught a glimpse of her on Facebook on a Maryland beach.Enthusiastic and loving.

All you need is love!

Crystal leads us on with intelligence and bravery. And to me there is no greater attribute than  courage.

The cowardly lion sought courage but gave up too easily. Then he found it was his all along!Such possibilities when we are brave!

Garrett worrying about my snooty cat. He has depth and perception.

LucyAnn is succinct and effervescent. So glad you’re back

I’m the steadfast poster. My posts are unpredictable!

Hi Richard! Your posts let us glimpse your week. The ordinary becomes extraordinary!

I’m grateful for all of you and all of this that leads to that!