Very Grateful for:
God’s provision of Reunion through memories
our sense of smell
the memories triggered by our sense of smell
finding a light jacket that was my mother’s
even over two years later the scent of Mom’s perfume remains
the memories that float in from the perfume- good memories
pictures in my head of Mom’s feisty sense of style: Georgia O’Keeffe meets sunset rainbow sherbet
grateful for the gift of the idea of wearing this coat and hugging my Dad today so he remembers too
grateful that maybe Mom looks, recognizes her coat and sees me from heaven
“Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.” ― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
The sweet perfume of good memories. Thank you for posting this.
Thank YOU, MaryEllen… have a great weekend!
Back at you Helen. In
fact have a great October.