Poignant goodbye to Sylvia my first cleaning job. We became sisters in the decades I cleaned her weekly. Tears and a heart that’s so full.
The funny card with an early Christmas bonus.
Assembling the bags for the homebound at Church. A fleece blanket, a stocking, cookies and a stuffed animal. What they love is the card signed by members.
My elves who will deliver these 16 bags with a cheery greeting.
Pondering the many who came off the list this year. Saints of the Church.
Appleby’s half price with a gift card. Why does hubby’s always look better than mine.
New client. God provides.
Early Christmas present. I have a smart phone after years of dumb phones. Hello Moto!
Singing twice today at Church. Next week is Cantata.
Search for Christ Child our walk through Nativity story is today from 5-7pm. Always well done!