Monthly Archives: December 2016

December Already

The flip of the page has so many things written in it’s amazing!

Choir last night. We are started to sound polished on some of the songs.

Good thing because we are singing one Sunday!

My choir family!

Birthday cake for Lindsey!

Thank you for all my work. Thank you for the stamina to do it.

Grateful for the new lady next week I had to postpone. She took it well.

Did I have a good time? I choose to remember the reason I went and edit.

Hubby is so glad to be home. I heard him promise one of the cats we’d never go away again.

A rendition of “Amazing Grace” just when I needed it. Savored and shared!



1. Going to the gym

2. Chocolate covered Oreos ~ I thought they’d be too much, but they’re pretty good!

3. New cookie decorating supplies

4. Getting all my errands done

5. Online banking

6. Holding on to peace

7. Being on the same page

8. Accepting results even when they’re not what was wanted

9. People who aren’t afraid to be really real

10. Good deeds


Safe flight and safe travels.

Cold on the plane grateful for my blanket.

Complaining passenger next to hubby made me glad not to have a bitter heart.

My daughter for coming to Cleveland to get us at 1:30 a.m.

Sweet client who put Christmas music on,  lit the tree and sat down and shared a clementine with me.

Necessary nap.Then out for long delayed Birthday steak dinner.

A quick stop at the grocery. Grateful for our smallish Acme.

Grateful all our stuff made it home save one thing that can be replaced.

All three cats have forgiven us for going away.

Spending the last of my travel cash stash on a Thomas Kincaide clock that plays a carol(quietly) on the hour. Welcome December!