Monthly Archives: January 2017


There is something about Saturday. Thank God It’s Saturday!

Sleeping in.

Getting up slowly.

Not watching the clock.

Oh clock that plays Christmas carols your days are numbered.

New shirts from a clearance rack.

Library for Laughing Club.

A list with names of books to fulfill my Reading Club challenge.

Need to ask Carol what name of cheap book site is.

Making a grocery list.

Cleaning my own house.

Planning time to read.

DVD’s, so much better than tapes.

Popcorn. Low calorie and yummy.

Seeing my name in Lucy’s list. You made my day!




  1. Surprise checks in the mail wootwoot!
  2. GSD- getting *stuff* done!
  3. Staying ahead of a big project
  4. The way I feel after a workout
  5. Spot-on timing, when things just click into place
  6. Teamwork- particularly when a teammate reads my cues and picks up the slack when I’m not playing my best (or playing nice)
  7. Dates- the kind you meet and the kind you eat
  8. Thoughtful gifts, made with love and lots of time
  9. My grandparents
  10. Mary Ellen’s consistent lists- sometimes sassy, always honest

Friday the13th

My mother who always considered Friday the 13th a lucky day.

Her optimism countered my father’s pessimistic outlook.

She had faith against insurmountable situations.

Our tradition of having a lottery ticket after dinner.

Laughing with someone.

A hug for someone heading South.

Uplifting friends who have tragedy in their lives. Being uplifted by them.

First book done for the Reading Challenge. Two thumbs up!

Attitude is everything!

Have a lucky day!


Taking for Granted

It can be so easy to take things for granted.  I try really hard to be grateful for so many things.

  1.  A working furnace on these cold nights.
  2. My dog looking adoringly at me.
  3. My son laughing at something he finds funny.
  4. The beautiful full moon.
  5. Finding peace inside myself.
  6. A warm blanket on my bed.
  7. Being able to get up, suit up and show up.

Day by day

I attended a program the other night and the topic was gratitude. I listened as the women gave the standard answers like being grateful for family, friends and health. What they didn’t realize is below  that are the layers that show day by day gratitude!

Grateful for Hubby. He’s not feeling well but made supper while I was answering emails.

Grateful for daughter who received a piece of our mail and is bringing it over.

Grateful we did not lose power or have wind  damage when the wind blew through,

Glad Old Man Winter is taking a nap.

A counseling appointment where I didn’t feel I had much to share but ended  up refreshed.

Working out the problem of no insurance card.

The local library. Books movies,computers and programs.

The pharmacy. I drive up give them the prescription and they make it happen.

Family , friends  and health.



Hubby asks what I’m doing at 5:30 a. m. I’m seeing what the day will be like.

First check the weather. Freezing rain predicted.

School closings. Yup no school! I hear cheers and groans.

I imagine my friend who drives a bus muttering because her district isn’t listed.

Check email to see if evening meeting is cancelled. No not yet!

Answer to a question I sent to the financial secretary who is in Arizona on vacation.

Look it’s Dorothy’s birthday! Happy Birthday to a giving, loving soul!

Can I park on the street for work? No posting so should be okay.

Can’t sleep so play Scrabble with friend in New York.

Look up word I don’t know. What’s a noop?

Technology makes info easy!


  1. This group- every one of you
  2. The ability to choose to appreciate something- at any moment
  3. Boundaries
  4. Choosing my energy
  5. Seeing the wisdom of old friends
  6. My family
  7. Being who I want to be
  8. Showing up for myself
  9. Opportunity
  10. Joy

Grateful to be M.E.

A friend posted saying she felt she had not achieved much but I think she is awesome.

Dealing with whatever splinters nag at us.

Coping and overcoming the roadblocks in life.

Keeping my toolbox of fix -its near.

Not being afraid of feeling good or being proud.

Kindness, interest and empathy given in both directions.

Not worrying about day to day everyday limitations.

Attainable goals.

Speaking up with positive comments.

Telling myself positive affirmations.

In a description of myself I saw the words grateful, laughing and brave. I am awesome too.

Attitude of gratitude

Chatting with my daughter on  New Year’s Eve. Relaxed and unguarded. We talk long enough that both our “men” are in bed by the time we get off.

Watching my Gson on Facebook. My heart smiles!

My phone. My link. My joy.

Knowing some big bills need to be paid but trusting that we will pay them and  proceed.

Allowing myself down time.

Embracing the new reading list for the 2017 Challenge.

Being called a soul soother and liking the moniker.

At one time I was a need meeter (Living from emergency to emergency as Carol described) now slower kinder pace.

Cyrstal’s excellent blog on busyness.

Grateful for road crews, sidewalk salt, central heating and warm socks.

Hope all are safe from winter storm Helena.


Gratitudes Jan 1-7 2017

  1. Sun Jan 1, good meeting, conversation with friends, realization about tardiness, good meals, productive shopping trips, help from co-worker.
  2. Mon Jan 2, well rested, progress at work, conversations from co-workers, helpful customer service rep on phone, good meals.
  3. Tue Jan 3, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, good meals, conversations at work, ride home.
  4. Wed Jan 4, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, conversations with co-workers, good meals, good rain.
  5. Thu Jan 5, up early, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, helpful info from medical appt., good meals, safe drive on the snowy roads.
  6. Fri Jan 6, up early, cheerful help from co-workers, work progress, help from IT support, conversations with co-workers and good friend, wonderful book “A Message of Hope from the Angels,” good meals.
  7. Sat Jan 7, well rested, productive shopping trip, cheerful help from retail workers, progress at work, good meals, life is good.