Monthly Archives: March 2017

  • Happy Pi Day!
  • Bella’s 1st birthday :)
  • Earthquakes, 3.4…loud bangs, dishes rattling….
  • ……Marysville, Helena, Clancy, Deer Lodge, Avon, Butte…oh my
  • Family milestone birthday celebration…
  • …Silver Star…salmon, rib eye, yummy :)
  • Just saw this….The way we think creates our life experiences.


Grateful attitude for the meeting for my sister at Social Security going better than I thought and taking less time than I thought.

Grateful I had all the paperwork I need. Grateful to have it done.

The camaraderie that develops as you sit next to someone for 90 minutes.

Woman to my right reminded me of another sister.

Everyone has a story!

Grateful attitude that its not a foot of snow. Deal with tomorrow when it is tomorrow.

The white paint brush has eliminated all the imperfections.

School is closed. Remembering what magic there was in a snow day.

Greeting the day with that attitude of possibility, play and gratitude.

  • Grateful for my loving family
  • A day with Cathy…she makes me feel alive!
  • Made in Montana Show…about 200 booths…interesting crafts from so many imaginations…
  • We waited in line for 45 min., outside the building (thank goodness it was about 35 degrees and sunny)…fire codes only allowed certain number……then were inside for several hours…
  • 10,000 people were expected which is unusual for MT….we felt like we were in “the big city” LOL….we were blessed to be able to park near the entrance.
  • Lunch at Benny’s Bistro…jazz music…Madeline cookies with chef’s recipe from France, yummy!
  • Welcome call from my beloved Granddaughter….another alive feeling!
  • David in town for several days checking on his new home progress…hooray!
  • GPa remembered to set the clocks ahead :)

Gratitudes March 5-11, 2017

  1. Sun Mar 5, well rested, good meals, finished part 1 of tax prep, organization, helpful info on internet.
  2. Mon Mar 6, progress at work, good meals, good walks, helpful class, helpful info on internet.
  3. Tue Mar 7, pleasant walk, early to class, progress at work, good meals, good news from doctor, productive shopping trip, helpful info from internet.
  4. Wed Mar 8, pleasant walks, sunny day, interesting seminar, progress at work, cheerful help from co-workers, conversations.
  5. Thu Mar 9, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, progress at work.
  6. Fri Mar 10, glasses fixed, early to seminar, progress at work, good meals, cheerful help from co-workers.
  7. Sat Mar 11, sunny day, good walks, progress at work, productive shopping trip, good meals. insights.

Shake the cobwebs out

Tough week but I’m grateful I’m tougher.

As i look forward, grateful to proceed slowly with stops as I step.

So I’m shaking the cobwebs out and feeling grateful that the sun is shining!

I know when to rest. I realize the necessity of it.

Hubby is feeling better. No vaporizer last night.

Late night phone call that wasn’t an emergency.

Income today.

I have all that I need and I go out ready to face the day.

Silver linings

Every cloud must have it’s silver lining.

I was soaring yesterday but a phone call caused me to plummet.

Grateful for parachutes, guides and  soft landings.Trying to be optimistic!

Soothing words. Stay calm.Step by step.

Not life or death but intense.

Decompressing through my tried and tested tools. Music,laughter,  walks, pampering and diversion.

I am brave. I can say I made a mistake now help me fix it.


Grateful for evening at Church

Sketti (spaghetti) and Skits.

Laughter, so much laughter I wish I could bottle it up for when I need a giggle.

Pastor Jonathan led us on our merry way with a story about frozen peas in the nose of his toddler. This story that gets better every time you tell it.

I was Laughing Club’s representative to warm up a crowd that was on fire.

Hands in the air -We are all beautiful and unique individuals together we make a masterpiece.

My salute to peas was the audience singing Let There be Peas on Earth in note of Ha! It evolved into singing the words -Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me!

Holding your breath during serious performances. So proud!

Holding your sides as “Lucy” gets looser and looser in her routine.

Proud of my friend who was doing a serious dance that the music played for only fifteen seconds. She never lost her composure and laughed at the situation then strutted her stuff.

Another friend sang well despite her cold. Brave.

Picking on the pastor. Oh Baloney! (We love you Jonathan!)

Did piano player play something from Moonglow or La La Land? The winner is… us.

Fifteen acts with kids telling knock knock jokes in between.

A surprise ending. Dance party!

Gratitudes Feb 26 – March 4, 2017

  1. Sun Feb 26, good meeting, Angel book, good meals, good walks, progress at work, baking project, bed early.
  2. Mon Feb 27, early to work, good meals, productive day at work, good walks, conversation with co-workers.
  3. Tue Feb 28, good appointment, good walks, good meals, progress at work,conversation with co-workers.
  4. Wed Mar 1, sunny day, good photo, helpful seminar, progress at work, kindness of boss and co-workers, good meals.
  5. Thur Mar 2, well rested, sunny day, good walks, helpful seminar, progress at work, conversation with co-workers, helpful info on internet, Thyroid documentary on internet.
  6. Fri Mar 3, well rested, sunny day, good walks, progress at work, cheerful hep from co-workers, good meals, email from family.
  7. Sat Mar 4, well rested, good meals sunny day, good walks, progress at work, conversation with landlady, exciting info from internet, productive shopping trip.

Sunshine and snow

The combination of sunshine on  the snow is spectacular.

Grateful for my choir family.

It’s a wonder we learn anything we are so silly.

Grateful that Scott has made a full recovery from last year’s car accident.

Grateful for a gift of  grapes. Yummy but not cotton candy.

Hubby is getting better.

Finding out the pastor missed Ash Wednesday service. That will be a story!

Reading,napping and quiet evenings.

Grateful for greetings and meetings and the flow  of life.

Grateful  Crystal’s FIL had successful triple bypass.


40 days of Gratefulness

There are forty days in Lent.  I’m going to be especially attentive in this time before Easter.

Doing not just planning.

Being aware of my environment. Thank you that I have eyes that see and ears that hear.

Open my eyes so I can see. Open my ears so I can hear. Open my heart so I can help.

Sharing what I have. Realizing how I have been blessed.

Patience and more patience.

Journal for a while every day. I’m going to get to explore me.

Giving without expecting to be repaid.

Sending cards of encouragement. I’m stopping to buy 20 stamps and will use Internet for others.

Others may give up things for Lent . I am taking up an attitude of joy in giving.