I’m grateful for all I have and all I am.
Always a choice to look at the downside or the bright side. Choose to look up!
The amazing amount of info available when you have a problem.
Looking forward to painting rocks with Carol. It will be funner than fun.
An intriguing idea at Bible study makes me say Wow!
Grateful for music which soothes and comforts.
Helpful bank teller to sort out details of fraud.
New checks. Right numbers this time!
I promised to mention the man who demonstrated his singing telegram at Laughing club. I was the recipient and I laughed so hard.
Another awesome list, Mary Ellen! Painting rocks with Carol would be delightful!! And the singing telegram…what fun :)
Yeah. So happy to hear that you are happy. Enjoy rock painting. Love and blessings.
It was funner than fun!!