It has been one year since I switched jobs. Still in the same company but I have weekends and holidays off.
The work on my bathroom is progressing along nicely.
My son, as I love him more than life itself.
My pets.
Good and honest workers.
A beautiful day. Not as warm down near the lake but still wonderful.
Good food.
Learning that I can lived in a cramped space if I need to.
Having a working computer to use to type this. :)
The beautiful lake walk I can take the 5 blocks home from the store.
Having a job to go back to. Although I would love more time off, I know I need to go back. I have had three plus weeks off this summer and it was much needed but I am a long way from retirement.
God and my sobriety.
When you realize you can live in less space, you will appreciate when you can spread out again.
Back to work. Sigh! I work today too.