I am grateful to have a roof over my head, even if the house is not fixed up the way I want it. Saying the serenity prayer lots.
Going to church, always a good thing whether I am in a good mood or not, as feeling closer to God is always good. Also, reading scriptures.
My pets.
My son, who disposed of a mouse that my cat caught outside. It was still alive some how. I think my cat was going to toy with it and then kill it eventually.
The nice day weather wise. It is cooler but that is okay. ;)
A working computer to type this on. My keyboard was acting up yesterday morning on this laptop and I was a bit worried.
A job to at my bills, even if there is one person I am not fond of at work. I will have to pray for them.
That I realize there are always people who have it worse than me and that on most days, I am very grateful to be upright, breathing, walking and talking. That getting older is not a bad thing as some people are not lucky enough to do that. ;)
I expend a lot of energy dealing with a unpleasant person at Church. Another friend and I have decide not to react as it seems to fuel the fire.
Thought Skeeter didn’t go out? But I am glad the mouse was disposed of. It’s in there nature to toy with their food.