
Grateful to still have a job, despite the changes…new roles, new work flow, different computer program to learn and master, new work schedule, trying to see the good in all of it. Grateful for coworkers completely willing to come over and help me out of the digital corner I painted myself into…. Grateful for less fluorescent lighting on the weekends…Grateful for the weekend comeraderie that makes it be ok… Grateful for the Sermon today and the realization that I think I really love my Shepherd at our church….a comfortable feeling as I get older.. Grateful to see a group of women surround a member who lost her husband only 3 days ago , and comfort her. Grateful to still have my husband, who snores, grumps, farts and sneezes so loudly the dog jumps…still I’m Grateful. Our turn will come.

3 thoughts on “Challenges

  1. And it’s good to read of your appreciation for your church community, and also your husband. Everyone, including the dog and cats, jumps when I sneeze :)

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