Monthly Archives: July 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

A great church service today.

Wonderful church family that help with bringing heavy containers of coffee cups down to the kitchen so I an rinse them and put them in the dishwasher.

Beautiful church music and message.

My son.  I love that young man.

My pets, although they can drive me crazy sometimes, they are truly awesome.



A nice afternoon nap.

Good Chinese leftovers.

Prayer and Meditation, a much needed part of my life.

Gratitudes July 16-22, 2017

  1. Sun Jul 16, good meeting, good swim at health club on a 97 degree day, good meals.
  2. Mon Jul 17, good walks to and from work, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, helpful info from boss, new book arrived I ordered, good meals, productive shopping.
  3. Tue Jul 18, good walks to and from work, helpful note from boss, free plums from a campus plum tree, progress at work, pleasant moment in park, good meals, helpful info on internet.
  4. Wed Jul 19, progress at work, pleasant moment in park, pleasant music on you tube, good meals, conversations at work.
  5. Thur Jul 20, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, progress at work, productive shopping trip.
  6. Fri Jul 21, well rested, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, great mango, progress at work.
  7. Sat Jul 22, well rested, progress at work, productive shopping trip, good meals, life is good.

Grateful for overhead fans that cool without dehydrating… Grateful to have a Saturday with no obligations other than at home…Grateful to speak to my daughter in Georgia and hear her voice so upbeat and happy, on their way to a BBQ….Grateful to Cell Phone technology that allows us to access so much so quickly….Grateful my leftover discomfort seems to be going away. Amen

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Waking up early and being able to enjoy the morning.

The sun peaking out after the hard rain last night.

Good coffee.

My phone getting damaged while in my backpack during the downpour yesterday.

A day without a phone, it is not all that bad not being attached to another electronic thing.

Shopping for a new phone if the rice does not do the trick with my current cell phone.

God, love, peace.


A peaceful rain quenching the thirst of the flowers and grass.

Stretching a leg out in the night and realizing Grand-dog has decided the best place to be is between his grandparents.

Other leg tells me a cat has claimed a corner of the bed.

Look!  Another one is asleep on the head board.

It reminds me of when my children used to sneak into bed in the night. Tickles,giggles and hugs.

Now a pat on the head and a chuck under the chin.

Up early to put the patch on the wall paper.

A thumping tails tells me someone is awake.

A grumble of thunder but not too close.

Peace in all you do today!

Thursday, July 20, 2017 to Friday, July 21, 2017

Being able to have patience while talking with contractors today.

Being sober and nicotine free.


Gainful employment.

Hard rain coming down on the way home from the bus stop even though I got soaked.

My son and pets.

Having the house to myself for a few hours while my son is out with his friends.  Love him dearly but having some alone time is not always bad.  He feels the same way when I go somewhere. 

A.A. and church.

1. God
2. Pot of zinnias by the church door
3. Sounds coming in through the open window including an unknown bird
4. Introductions
5. Saying it out loud instead of dropping hints
“All I ask
Don’t tell anybody the secrets
Don’t tell anybody the secrets I told you”
-Lucinda Williams

All in a day’s gratitude

One wall wallpapered. Knowing when to stop.

Sweating but not over the error on the wall. It can be patched.

Choosing a color for the bedroom. Being laid back about it.

Hot humid day. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Prayer for Sunday written easily and the printer eventually agrees to it.

Run through for drama worship. Bless this mess applies here too.

It doesn’t have to be perfect . It just has to be faithful.(It will be breath taking!)

Providing the laugh track for the rehearsal.

Jessica for her link on the Dali Lama being a professional laugher. I am too!