Monthly Archives: October 2017


Grateful to Carol who is giving me a Zentangle pumpkin.

Grateful to the Bible study people who changed the time so I can attend.

Grateful to Rae for her giving and forgiving nature.

Grateful she came to Bible Study at my invitation.

Grateful that she was the first to say the video was weird. It was a little hard to understand.

Missing Cheryl who said she would come to Bible study but it’s a little far. You were there in spirit.

Grateful that Joyce’s surgery went well. Here’s hoping the next part won’t be too brutal.

Spirited conversation followed by a prayer for peace.

Grateful for Kathy who solves all my technological problems.

The cutest little shark in the Church office. He belongs to our pastor.


It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. A masterpiece!

Wearing Ursula leggings to Church. Love the double takes!

Speaking Lularoe with a new  friend at Church. Enjoy your owls Beth.

We sang the Prelude with gusto but the kids were outstanding. They were “made for this”. Great job kids!

Packing forty boxes of cookies to be mailed to homebound and those that need a smile. Good job team.

Trick or Treat was too cold. Nice chance to talk to my neighbor though.

Grateful to Dennis who listens when I need to talk.

A picture of my Gson in his costume. They Trick or Treat tomorrow.

A delicate situation handled very well.Prayers for peace and harmony.


Deep sleep ! Carefree and dreamless.

The sweet spot in the bed where you nest.

Hubby’s warmth and rhythmic breathing.

The power of prayer to lift away a burden.

Counting my blessings instead of sheep.

Early to bed. Drowsy after just a few pages of a book I know I’m going to like.

Comforting comforters. Plump pillows.

Crazy cat says “Why aren’t you up?”

I say “Good Morning World”.

Gratitudes Oct 22-28, 2017

  1. Sun Oct 22, early to meeting, conversation with friends, sunny day, progress at work, good meals, conversations with family.
  2. Mon Oct 23, well rested, sunny day, lunch outside, walks to and from work, progress at work, good meals, cheerful help from co-workers, helpful info from internet.
  3. Tue Oct 24, well rested, sunny day, lunch outside, good walk home, progress at work, helpful conversations with co-workers, good meals.
  4. Wed Oct 25, early to work, progress at work, good nap and exercise class, good meals.
  5. Thu Oct 26, well rested, progress at work, good walk home, pleasant moment in park, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals.
  6. Fri Oct 27, well rested, good walks on sunny day, progress at work, productive shopping, good meals.
  7. Sat Oct 28, well rested, good walks on sunny day, progress at work, productive shopping, good meals, life is good.


Uninterrupted time to get things done.

Bless this mess.

Sorting through clothes. It is humbling that some people have little when I have so much.

Today I become a seller on Poshmark. Hopefully I can make a little money.

Answering an  email at 5:30 a.m.

Facebook is always awake. Comments in the dark.

Confused cats think it is breakfast.

Today is Trick or Treat though Halloween isn’t till Tuesday.

Wearing my new Ursula leggings to Laughing Club. Selfie time!

Time to watch Hocus Pocus!


I asked different people to listen to me but they didn’t hear me.

The difference between talking and listening.

Feeling betrayed and learning from it.

Thank you Dorothy for hearing the whisper of my frustration. I treasure that we prayed together.

Counselors. Mine is super.

Thank you for my laughing friends.

Thank you for my singing friends. Amidst the notes there is shared laughter.

Hubby without distraction.

Journaling. Hello old friend.

I love technology/ I hate technology

When a coupon won’t scan,trying to realize it’s not the clerks fault .

When manager gets involved, keeping my voice even. Finding my calm.

Ebay. The frustration when it won’t check you out. Just a computer. I won’t feel self recrimination.

Winning the bid and realizing you’ve spent a lot of money. Thankful I work.

Self checkout. Mine freezes up . I say could it be out of change? Clerk says no. I was right. They can’t fix it. Hey people in line, I didn’t do it.

Shopping at 1:00 a.m regret at 7:00 a.m.

Too simple to buy. I guess the roadblocks are to say stop. Hide the credit cards.

Time to get out of my ghost pajamas and go. I owe,I owe It’s off to work I go!



Let calm wash over me. I am a river. I will seek a river today but meanwhile I let myself float on rivers of music, clouds of memories. I miss you Mom!

I am still. Quiet my brain. Ignore its short circuit of ideas and obligations.

Breathe.Breath centering. Centered. Fear no more.

Slow down. Consciously move slow. Think sloth.

Stop. I forgive myself for mistakes in the past.No apologies. Enjoy your victories.

I release all anger to others and to myself. Nothing self condemning will be allowed. You are loved.

Hypersensitivity is not part of gratefulness.

Many bad things happen around me but I am safe. I am letting go. I am relaxed. Be calm!


Up early to unlock the Church since custodians were on vacation. Setting up tables and chairs after coffee hour for Trunk or treat. Thank you Lane Ball!

Need to see when custodian appreciation day is. They are unsung heroes.

Grateful to be able to hep when something needed to  be done STAT. Glad to take it off Kathy’s shoulders. She is another hero.

A round of applause for our Pastor.His gift was a Autumn tree with fingerprint leaves. Many wrote him cards of thanks.

Holding someone as they cry. May they find comfort and peace.

A hug for my Pastor and my friend.

Elders provided a special coffee hour. Pizza and cake. Good job guys.

Trunk or Treat was flawless. Over three hundred kids walked through visiting the decorated cars and played the games. Goats and alpacas. A blow up slide. Free food too. So many people made this event happen.

The sweet gesture of hubby running into Acme for quick food (and wine) when I was spent.

Oh no! Bank card is missing. Safe at another grocery store. Bless whoever found it and turned it in. Reunited!