Picking out bulbs to plant at Church. Daffodils,tulips and crocus.
Deer resistant variety.
No ,No squirrels!
Boy scouts to plant them.No neat rows but tossed salad.
Defeating the Virginia Creeper.Donna was determined.
A gorgeous variety of pastel hyacinth bulbs for me.
A bag of blue tulips has shipped.
I have no boy scouts to plant mine.
The faith to look at a bulb and picture it will be a flower. There is hope for us!
Love your writing about the promise in planting bulbs. Great group activity. Planted some along both sides of my driveway and around the resurgent azalea
My blue ones will go along the driveway. The year I had my youngest daughter I planted (my son planted) bulbs in the Fall. It was a contest who would bloom first.