Monthly Archives: October 2017

Love is our story

Am I full of trepidation or excitement ? I can’t decide.But I see Carol’s welcoming smile and I am energized by Crystal’s hug and Linda’s welcome.

Who are we? For we have been chosen. There is no coincidence that we are here.We are the unsure, the fearful, the challenged, the creative, the wise, the seekers, the grieving, the diligent, the insightful and the hungry. We come to absorb all we can from ourselves and each other.

Peeling off the realities of our outside world , we have gone through a doorway where we can sit down and converse with ourselves. Hello beautiful soul.We begin to express the inner me to ourselves. Always astounding what pops out when the psyche is free to speak.

Tears and fears,triumphs and stumbling blocks. So many blocks! Roadblocks,writers blocks and the bitchy inner critic.?What next? Who knows?

I am grateful for Rubin for his bravery to be in a room of emotion. May his inner child be lulled to sleep to awaken as a twinkle in his eyes.

I am grateful to Diane who attempted the steps though her soul was brimful with loss.

Mary Beth I nodded at so much of what you said. How important to laugh at yourself.

Kathy. Your commercial impacted my “handling” of a long overdue reunion. Can’t wait to read your book.

Carol in the corner is my shining star. She radiates joy and fun. I can’t wait to come to your book signing.

Many asked about this site . I hope you are visiting. I picture your faces and will always remember our shared story in a safe place on a magic afternoon.



Retreat Thank You

  1. A room full of familiar faces I know and love
  2. Brilliance of these women and men willing to go deep
  3. The bravery of those who shared, and cried
  4. Linda, whose help, support, compassion, joy, and wisdom is unparalleled
  5. Mid-session delight thanks to Carol’s silliness
  6. My MIL and babysitter A, who both went out of their way to help with the girls for the long stretch
  7. Taking everyone through an exercise that reduces stress- and therefore we spent the day recharging our batteries instead of draining them (thanks Martha Beck!)
  8. Testimonials that made me nearly cry with happiness- everyone who got what they needed so deeply
  9. Kathy, who not only attended but helped with the building and directing traffic, a wonder and a joy
  10. The opportunity to serve such amazing souls

The balance of knowing when to change, and what to choose. <3

Grateful for possible solutions in front of me. It has been a long few months of pet issues and I felt like I hit a wall. But seasons change and new possibilities present themselves. Each gives  a sense of hope.

Thankful for the rough weeks, as they quickly remind me where my priorities lie. Working from home, things sometimes become muddled. I’m learning to focus on where I want those boundaries to lie. Making more time for what counts.

Having people in your life that understand when you are short on time or energy – worth its weight in gold.

A sunny day on your two days off in a rainy week. Nature is beckoning and I hear the call.

A cookie at the end of a tiring day. Someone handing you a precooked meal at the end of a long week. Love is in the simple gestures and greatly appreciated.

The feel of a job well done at the end of the week. Guilt free rest on the days off.

The overwhelming joy of cats by my side at the end of the night – a reminder of the importance of work/life balance. #1 focus and I’ve been missing the mark.

Kind words from like-minded strangers showing me the gratitude I sometimes overlook. A constant reminder that perspective can turn a day around. <3

Coming home

Leaving daughter in Georgia today, to fly home. Surgical recovery going as expected. Husband is a blessed soul, and at 31 has had his first major life scare and seems to know what to do with it. He takes good care of her. They belong to a good church aNd have developed a support system there. Motherhood never stops. So I offer this prayer today , Lord protect my daughter and her family from harm keep them safe. Give them children. This time, I am asking directly. Your will always will be done, whatever happens in the future, I know you will be there. Amen

Gratitudes, Oct 8-14, 2017

  1. Sun Oct 8, good meeting, beautiful sunny day, productive shopping, cheerful help from retail workers, conversations with friends, good walk, good meals, bed early.
  2. Mon Oct 9, sunny day, lunch outside, good walks, autumn flowers, cheerful help from co-workers, helpful info from boss, helpful emails, good meals, bed early.
  3. Tue Oct 10, sunny day, lunch outside, good walks, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, help from career center, good meals.
  4. Wed Oct 11, early to work, good letter from boss, progress at work, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, caught bus to get home.
  5. Thu Oct 12, sunny day, good walk, help from career center, good meals, good appt., good nap.
  6. Fri Oct 13, well rested, sunny day, good walks, good seminar, documents submitted successfully for internship, good meals.
  7. Sat Oct 14, sunny day, good walks, progress at work, progress on resume, good meals, stretching, conversation with friend.


Daughter home from hospital. Looks g rest. Feed them chicken soup, and tucked she and husband both into bed for a nap. Napping sounds good…. But it feels like time wasted… Never been a napper. Sitting down with hot tea and a book for the afternoon . Home tomorrow. Then back to work. Where am I grateful in all this ? For just everything. Mostly that I could come and be a help. Thank you for this forum of prayerful people that will read and realize how Grateful I am.

Kitchens and Families

Grateful for my daughter’s independence, her husband, their home. Her stamp is everywhere in the house. Kitchens are so personal, we put things where we would use them, and stock them with what we like. Trying to work and cook in someone else’s kitchen is like trying to wear someone else’s shoes…..possible, but not comfortable. But it’s nice, I see her everywhere. She’ll be home from the hospital later this morning….went in for removal of Ovarian Cyst. God Bless Families.

ME,Myself and I

Grateful to have the time and money to attend the writing workshop today. The talent will be self supplied in time.

Crystal’s reassurance that I will breeze through it.Carol’s that I am a writer -of gratitude lists.

Putting myself first no excuses. Stepping out to do something that makes me nervous.

Knowing everything else will all get done. And if it doesn’t it can wait.

In the middle of a really good book. I am not here when I read it.

Beautiful Fall day. Next week is peak. Wake up and look around.

Grateful to determine an answer from insurance company. Those phone calls are frustrating. I picture someone smirking as I yell “a person” “a person.”!

Friday the 13th holds anticipation for me. We buy lottery tickets. No winners here.

Happy Sweetest Day! Always thought it was my parents special day because their anniversary was around then. We will go out to eat but just because we will be hungry.


Family’s needs

Grateful for 1. Christian, my son in law, for tolerating and loving a nervous mother in law 2. Kae, my daughter, gor bringing me along on her Surgical adventure, and still needing a hug from Mom , 3. My husband who encouraged me fly alone to Georgia to be here, and 4. Emory Medical Center that is currently right this moment doing her surgery. Not life threatening reasons, don’t worry, but necessary… I am so grateful to everyone and everything that worked, to get me here. Prayers for her surgery, please…

Looking forward

Looking toward the writing workshop with confidence and composure. Embrace the experience!

My sister’s birthday. I’m trying to arrange something special.

All she really wants is fast food. I will make that happen.

Anticipation of her reaction to my surprise.

No present like the time.(Hope she likes her watch.)

Baby clothes are so colorful and cute these days. Picking out an outfit with a big hair bow. (I’ve never seen a picture of McKenna without one.)

Frosting is the reason for cake.

Making arrangements to get a washer and dryer someone is getting rid of. Plans are ready. So grateful they thought of it.

Today is full of  details to prepare for the weekend. The universe is unfolding as it should and I’m in awe.