Monthly Archives: October 2017

Bright spots

Having my grand daughter here is a ray of sunshine in a bleak week.

Her text. We are near!

New carpet area rug makes room look better and no splinters.

House is more picked up than usual because of her visit.

Car cleaned out as I look for a necklace that I found cleaning for her visit.

Deciding to stop looking and let it find me worked.

Steak of such quality Hubby almost cooked it wrong.

Feeling good enough to work. It will be OK.

Chicken pot pie for dinner. Comfort food maximus!


  • Snow!
  • GPa shoveled deck and sidewalk…several inches, wet and heavy snow
  • New boot caddy :)
  • Slippery roads and a lot more snow on the mountain passes
  • Most of us do not have our studded snow tires on yet (legal date is Oct. 1)…
  • …we’ve planned for next week
  • A good snowfall usually doesn’t happen until Halloween :)
  • Our Sleeping Giant has a warm blanket of snow on him today :)
  • A good morning for hot oatmeal and toast of GPa’s freshly made bread
  • Happy Birthday Angela…and her hubby’s birthday yesterday
  • Barbara who was an RN during Vietnam and expresses her gratitude for our military
  • God Bless the United States of America

Not feeling it

Too much emotion yesterday has left me depleted. Suffice to say. I am here. I feel better. My family is safe.

The world needs fixing and it must be demanded. Grateful for the eloquence of those who call for it. Prayers that it happens.

Amazing how one can go from happiness to despondency in a day. Hope means I will recover after processing.

Terrible time for fleas. Thankful for treatments and spray. Gdaughter will not want to sleep on the couch.

Getting out my toolbox to work on depression. What can I do to find a way?

Social media can be helpful but in the case of tragedy it must be avoided. See you later!


Those four letters fill my soul with relief for my daughter and her family live in Las Vegas.

She knew I would worry. So glad to see her marked safe.

Grateful for their physical safety but pray for their confidence and calm.

How do  you explain violence to a ten year old? Grateful he is not a brooder and if they tell him he is safe he will believe them.

Strong arms to hold me as the world feels shaky.

Feeling more sound today after a quiet queasy weekend.

The healing properties of Vernor’s ale and  Chicken.N.Stars Soup. Comfort food comforts.

Wherever you are be safe!



  1. The train rumbling by- all the things being taken to where they need to be, swiftly, easily
  2. My daughters- I could do endless gratitude about everything about them. Today I’m grateful for their laughter, their deep play, their smiles
  3. A long-distance friend went above and beyond with kindness
  4. My husband
  5. Grey fur kitty


Grateful to feel better. Funny how sleep, fluids, rest and simple eating can make a virus feel unwelcome. So  grateful the aches and headaches are gone. And I will feel even better soon.

I feel like I have so much to do. I am grateful I don’t have to do it till I’m better.

Room for improvement. Grateful for second chances.

Our best effort on the altar decorations for World Communion Sunday. Time to stop. It can’t look better!

First day of October . Here’s to a month that just gets better and better,