Monthly Archives: February 2018

Early morning.

Waking up before 4 a.m. and getting in a nice shower.  Perked me up and am ready to go.

My dog, Jax, seeming to feel a bit better this morning.

Skeeter roaming around and being a little mischievous.  Love that cat!

It is a balmy 5 above on the lake shore.  Yahooooo!

My morning coffee.  Always an essential start to my day.

Being sober and nicotine free another day.

A job I really like, even when there are issues beyond my control.

I get to go to Bible study tonight.

God and all his mercy.

Some bills paid.  Always nice to have hot water, heat, electricity and my garbage picked up. ;)

Waking up to another glorious day.   My days are what I make of them and when they start to go down hill, God is there for me and I can always fall back on the Serenity Prayer and my A.A. program and church teachings.

42 Days Until Spring!

Enjoying the Spring countdown again this year.

When anyone complains about the weather, I tell them the # of days until Spring!

We are rolling along!

Tomorrow will be 41 days, and then in a couple of days, we break into the 30s!! Wowee!

Enjoying blooming amaryllis flowers in my indoor Winter garden.

I do enjoy Winter in many ways: snowflakes, crunchy snow, snowpeople, being inside and watching snow falling (keyword here is “inside”), and feeling cozy.

Deep gratitude for my family, friends, and life!! Hallelujah!

Busy day

Busy day at work but I learned some things.

My poor dog puked and peed in the house but he seems to feel better and I am grateful for that.

The beautiful sunshine.



Good people in my life.

Good coffee.

The ability to express gratitude even in the good times.

A roof over my head as it is coming up to the time 4 years ago when we were really struggling to keep our home and land.

My son.  He is the best thing my husband and I did in our marriage.

Good, warm winter ware. God knows we have needed it recently.

My cat, Skeeter, meowing up a storm.  Singing the songs of his people. LOL!

Good food.

My grief counselor.  She is a gem.

I woke up this morning.  Thanks God!

Moving right along!

Talking instead of walking because Barb’s car was frozen shut.

I went to her house because she needed a ride somewhere at noon. Slippery roads cause white knuckles.

The fact it was 9* kept us safely inside.

Her encouragement and enthusiasm always moves me forward. No excuses.

Watching out for school zones was her only driving advice.

Bible study. My take away is that when faith calls us to action we will be changed. (For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.)

I can see the structure of the Sunday service. I can  hear the score. I’m excited to see it unfold.



The start of another work week but it was a great day.

Warm clothing to brave the cold.

A warm house to come home to.

My coworkers who rock.

My grief counselor who understands me.

Being able to come home and have the house to myself for a short while.

That I am thinking (just thinking) what it would be like to have a man in my life again with Valentine’s day approaching.  Not getting ahead of my self however. ;)

That grief work is painful but also very rewarding when I learn things about myself.


My church.

Alcoholics Anonymous.

Setting goals for my life.

Sunshine within and without

So glad to see Karen posting again. Shine!

Scouts did a terrific job at the parts of the Church service. One boy could hardly see over the pulpit but he pronounced all the words right.

A Sunday that was a day of rest.

A hubby who starts something for dinner. (He did the dishes too.)

Though nursing home is closed to visitors, my sister is well.

A night of cards that led to a morning of smiles.

Chuck noticing my smile and commenting on it.

Stopping at the little lending library for something to read.

Barb’s push to get me walking. No doubt we will be talking. Then smiling and laughing. It only takes a spark to get things glowing.

Gratitudes Jan 28-Feb 3, 2018

  1. Sun Jan 28, early to meeting, sunny day, progress at work, conversations with friend and family, productive shopping, good meals, life is good.
  2. Mon Jan 29, sunny day, progress at work, helpful chat with boss, conversations with friend, insights, good meals.
  3. Tue Jan 30, sunny day, good walks, lunch outside, progress at work, insights, good meals.
  4. Wed Jan 31, warm sunny day,  good walks, lunch outside, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, insights, good meals.
  5. Thur Feb 1,  warm sunny day,  good walks, helpful info from boss, lunch outside, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, insights, good meals.
  6. Fri Feb 2, warm sunny day,  good walks, helpful info from boss, cheerful help from co-workers, progress at work, insights, good meals.
  7. Sat Feb 3, warm sunny day,  good walks, lunch outside, progress at work, insights, good meals.

Beautiful & Crisp

Cold day but very beautiful with the sun and the moon out at the same time.

My dog eating his Alpo London Grill food and enjoying it.  He doesn’t have all his teeth anymore.

God’s grace in my life.

I woke up this morning.  Thanks be to God.

Being able to watch The Passion Of The Christ with my Bible study friends this past week.  Truly an awesome movie.

The beautiful white snow coating on the ground.  It makes things look so much cleaner.

Heat in my houses.  My furnace broke down Christmas Day and I had to have someone out to fix it.  Thankful I could get it fixed that day.  The bill will be big but it was worth it.

My cat nibbling away at his food.

My son getting home safe after one of his best friends coming to town and drinking at his parent’s house.

I can easily get on this site and type away in the mornings again.

Saturday observations

I am stable. I am better. I am M.E. I have survived the squall.

The groundhog predicted six weeks of Winter. I felt like it would be 16 but perhaps I was wrong. Forty two days till Spring.

Remembering Narnia (C.S.Lewis)where it is always Winter and never Christmas.

I’ve been accused of being too optimistic and today  I am realistic. It is Winter.

I can’t change it being cold but I can bundle up.

Choosing to be where it is warm.

Surrounding myself with warm friends and laughter.

It is not a time to thrive but I can keep myself alive.

I am back!

Hello all!  Today I am grateful for:

A New Chrome Book which makes it easier to get in here and type my gratitude lists than my phone or my Kindle Fire.


My new church friends I have made over the past couple months.

My Bible Study.

A warm house.

My pets when they are relaxed and not driving me up the wall. LOL.  I really to do love them.

A roof over my head during these colder snaps.

That I am enjoying my new (old) job.

Good coffee and conversation with people.

That when I get down on life, I can always remember that God has my back and there are people who have it much worse. ;)