Very Grateful for
God’s little “annoyances”
the employee who always adds (yet another) question to our wrap-up summary email
Ruby, who wants to go outside at the exact moment of the big reveal on Chopped
the cable going out
the internet going out a few hours later
waiting on hold
the practice of some people to talk louder and slower to me when they see that I’m older
trying to find my phone
trying to remember my password
trying to find a reimbursable receipt
thse little annoyances which actually serve as welcomed distractions from what I’ve labeled as my larger worries
It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. ~Coach John Wooden
I loved reading your post today. I never think of being grateful for the little annoyances but looking back, I can see how they put my mind in a different direction and yes, distracted me from the bigger worries also. T?hanks for the reminder. :)