I have no plans to go to Disney or Myrtle Beach but I need a break from the mundane. So I’m creating a local and mental Spring Break.
Scheduling fun into every day. A matter of perspective.
A break from all work and no play. A break from wasting the day feeling unmotivated.
I walked in the woods yesterday. Hood up and hands jammed in my pockets. I huffed and I puffed but I made it back to the car.
It’s amazing how uplifting a new package of underwear can be. One on clearance so I have a rainbow of choices.
Movie Pass makes it possible for me to see movies for free. Now do it!
Palm Sunday service was epic. The children process. The choir sings. The message. The songs. Harmony.
Watching the Easter Egg hunt. Five minutes to clear hours of work amid squeals of joy.
Organizing the next event at Church . It is coming together nicely.
Seeing pictures from my daughters Spring Break. Bacon and chocolate cheesecake. I am Pavlov’s dog .I drool.
I miss my walks in the woods. I am working on getting my knee and hip fixed this year. I plan on getting back out on the trails with walking and biking eventually. :)