Ice Cream Extreme . Not your ordinary Ice Cream social. Slide for the kids. Pie for the adults. Hot dogs.Raffle tickets.Can’t forget the ice cream.
It will be a nice evening.Plan B in case it rains.
Extreme heat coming. It will be an inconvenience but thankfully we will find ways to get around it.
Raffle prizes turned out extremely well. It is for a great cause.Don’t forget our vets!
Van Gogh has summer complaint and we are extremely worried about him. Poor puppy!
Gdaughter going to vet with Meg then dog sitting today. I’m extremely proud.
Interview today and job application for job that is not exactly a fit. Life’s a learning experience. Grin and bear it!
An extremely busy day! Making it epic!
Many years ago I cross trained for a job that was totally opposite of the one I do today. I ended up doing this job I cross trained into later on. It was not an exact fit but it grew to become one. Grateful for being able to train in other positions or I would not be where I am today.