A day off, which included good food, a massage and some quality Karen time.
My son being home earlier than I thought.
A good cooling rain.
Possibility of only having the fan in the bedroom on low tonight?
Looking forward to a good day at work tomorrow.
Good music while I soaked in the tub.
Drinking 8 glasses of water today. I should drink that everyday and more but today I did as my massage therapist always reminds me to drink lots of water after my massage.
My son brought me home Subway. Yummy!
Nice people at the neighborhood restaurant.
Bumping into an A.A. buddy at the restaurant.
Peace, when I let myself have it.
God. Thanks again for letting me wake up.
My pets. I truly love them.
Sober another day and continuing to not smoke.
Nice little uplifting quotes I find on Facebook.
Word games to keep my brain engaged.
Life. It is as good as I make it most of the time.