Woke in the night and thought of times when I have been unkind recently. So I vow to change and make amends.
Sending off a few apologies and a few thank yous. Immediate responses make me feel cherished.
Sending messages and seeing replies by Facebook. Love is in the clouds.
Will look up where “a chip on my shoulder” comes from. Like a petulant child I have been carrying one. Unburdened I will go forward much easier. Grateful to take the weight off my shoulders.
I forgive those I believe have wronged me. I forgive as I have been forgiven.
Thanks Kathy for helping me with sign up lists and stickers. Wish all of you could come to the Bake Sale. I embrace it knowing it will be successful.
Change for change bowl. I add to it whenever I am at Church.
Pledging a pittance to someone brave enough to jump in the Portage Lakes in the Polar Bear Plunge. Proceeds to the food bank.
Community dinner this weekend. Warm food, warm place and a warm smile! “When I was hungry you gave me to eat”
Love through generosity and forgiveness. I am humbled by what I have received and awed that you know me yet sill love me.