Babies are a promise from God that the world will continued send He has Faith in us. My newest Granddaughter was born last night. First child of MY last and youngest child. What a blessing. Rodalond Joanne, for her great grandmother.Healthy, pink, and loud, screaming her objections to the world. Oh Baby Rosie, just you wait!! Coming home later today or tomorrow. Grateful for Rosalind, and grateful to the Hospital and her Care staff that took such good care of her. Grateful to my daughter and her family that they want me here to help. Grateful for their dog, Earl we are keeping each other company while family is in the Hospital. Husband made home safely from Atlanta to Akron safely. First time driving by himself. Just….. Grateful. Thank you Lord.
Miracle baby! Joy! Blessings!
Rosalind Joanne……. corrected!