I prefer to think that this burning anger I feel is passion and show the depths of the things I embrace. I am passionate!
Grateful for family and especially Hubby who is being patient with me.
Miss my Grand while she is kitten sitting. She is coming for dinner.
God is in His heaven and all is well. I believe we can all serve Him side by side.
Walked out of water exercise because of a nasty person. Thank you Polly you unleashed tears that were trapped.
A walk in the woods. Conversing with the rocks. Singing to the trees.
I can always go home. What bliss to walk through that door!
Funeral tomorrow . If a man ‘s life is measured by those who mourn him Bob was a mensch.
Carol checking on me. Dennis worrying about me.Emails and a phone call. They create a safety net if I should stumble.
Do not fear your passion or push it down. Carpe Diem!
I am sorry I have not been around this site much lately and that I have not been here for your. You are in my prayers dear one.