Grateful for yoga teacher ( youtube of course) saying at the end of the session :
The light and dark in me honors and bows the light and dark in you.
Which always make me think and ponder things.
Grateful for completing the papers that allows me to apply to an apartment of my own.
Grateful for success,ambition. Grateful for the opportunity to manifest things I have always dreamed of. Grateful for growing on strength in every step forward I take. Grateful for my parents who are helping, supporting me in every step taken.
Grateful for science. Grateful for the opportunity to study alomost anything online.
Grateful for Bach : Blessing , Abundance Completely by Higher power.
I had forgotten that acronym for Bach. Isn’t it exciting that you can study anything? I hope you find just the right apartment.
I just invented it while listening 😂, I hope so :)
BTW It’s December!
Done 😉