Grateful that I can persevere. Persevering lead me to believe that I can. Changing my beliefs is a hard process that starts only when I try to understand, change them through perseverance.
Grateful that the more I focus my mind upon the good, the more good comes to my life.
The more I focus on my heath, the more good habits come to my life.
The more I focus on my learning, the more good lessons I learn, not from books, courses, resources only, but from God’s plan to teach me.
The more I focus on good relationships, the more meaningful relationships comes to my life.
The more I focus in being honest, loving person who listens to his ego and shush it sometimes, go with it to the end other times , the more mature I became, and the more present, peacful I feel.
Grateful that everything in my life is okay. Grateful for my job, my senses, my body, my soul. Grateful for my friends, my quality time with them. Grateful for my workouts. Grateful for my meals. Grateful for my shoes. Grateful for my socks. Grateful for the invention of underwear :))
Grateful for my arms, my legs. Grateful for my organs.