The people I have never met !

Gratitude journal

Grateful for the people I have never met but have helped my life a lot :
~ Inventors : phones, computers, Google. Grateful for that huge part of my life ( learning) that has been improving with the help of technology.

– Music and musicians : Grateful for the way that music contributes in my day( meditation, calmness, clear thoughts, serenity).

– Farmers : ‘ despite all our differences, we eat the same food, that might be planted by the same exact  person’
Grateful for the people working under the sun to plant pure nutrients to help other people grow!.
Grateful for the food on the table all the time. Grateful for the people who planted this carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, onions. It is really a something to know that there is someone far away had planted something for you to eat, and it is deliverd to your near grocery store. What a miracle!

-Doctors : Garteful for doctors in pharmaceutical companies who have invented, improved medications that helped me  feel better.

– Business men : Grateful for big companies that runs a lot of businesses across the country, so that thouthands  can find  decent jobs.

-Authors : Grateful for novolests. Grateful for the time I spent reading, diving  into the realms of passion and dreams. Grateful for bloggers. Grateful for the time I spent learning and improving the quality of my thoughts. Grateful for poets. Grateful for Aml Donkol, Pablo Neuroda, Renée Garcia Lorka.

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