
Gratitude journal

*Grateful for hard and mundane things I  do that makes me stronger.

*Grateful for my outing last week with friends while we went to play kids games in the amusement center at the mall, it was quiet fun.

*Grateful for the investments that I made that added value to my life.

*Grateful for the ninth Symphony of Dvořák, with its victorious melodies, that never ceases to make me smile.

+Grateful for the freedoms I am taking for granted.

– Grateful for the freedom of traveling and going out.

– When all else fails, I can come home and take a hot shower.

– I don’t have to walk uphill bothways to go to work, it is likely I take the bus. A lot of people in rural
  villages throughout  the world are too far away from work, school or proper  medical care.

– someone somewhere loves me, even if it is just  my mom, I matter to people.

– Trees, as they make the world better, safer place.

– The sun, without it I wouldn’t be able to see all the beautiful things.
– proper nutrition. Grateful that I have money to go to the grocery store whenever I want.

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