I replaced the dead hanging baskets with mums yesterday. The petunias brought me joy but the bright color of the new ones makes me smile.
The morning glories greet me daily. I long to see a Heavenly Blue but love the purple ones.
Some schools started yesterday. Smiles abound on Facebook pictures. Pictures of my grandson 10th grade! Grateful to see the happy, healthy family.
Grateful Hubby is feeling good enough to mow. I should give him $20 for his efforts.
The class reunion that seemed so far away is this weekend. Exciting!
Puppy sitting today. We have an exciting day planned.
Grateful to have found stuffed animal I was searching for for great to be! She is my sunshine too.
Make me grateful for what can be instead of longing for what can not. As Summer fades let me remember the splendor of the Fall.