Grateful for being emotionally consistent through this week, which gave me a better opportunity to reflect better, and get useful insights about myself. Grateful for the how I have changed, which, predominantly, due to putting efforts in Journaling and reflecting in my life experiences.
Grateful for remembering that quote today :
Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have of changing others.
Grateful that I believe that I am in the right place, at the right time doing the right thing.
Grateful for the fun I had yesterday when I went for a new challenging workout, and I get the insight that it is the most challenging things that make me feel alive, better, energized, focused, it depends on how much good deeds I am putting in it as well, what are my intentions behind it, is it for the good, is is ego driven acts or a self love act..
Grateful for liking the way Bach deals with the human spirit, as if he is taking it in a tour inside itself, inside a museum called me, and not just that, he makes you stop and meditate in your own drawings and sculptures, your emotions as well . Bach music makes me see myself as a whole, it is love, serenity, and Godness.