Getting back to a regular sleep schedule. :-)
Loving being with my coworkers again.
Dealing with the stress of learning new things but knowing it will all be good in the end.
My stamina is getting better after my third week back to work.
Getting used to what is priority at work and what is not again.
A roof over my head after witnessing a man sleeping in one of our transit centers this past week. The smell of urine and garbage all over the place really made me happy to go to a warm home. The temps are dropping now and there will be more people sleeping in the city skywalk that connects to my work.
My Bible study sisters.
A chance to make new friends this coming week.
When I falter, I know I can get back up.
My family, friends and always God.
My eyesight. Although I have needed glasses a good portion of my life, I am grateful I have not had to deal with going blind in one eye and losing it the other like my husband did. May he RIP.
Good books to read, good music to listen to and just living a nice life in general. Thanks again, God.