Fate’s Gentle Hands -A love letter.25 June 2024

My Darling 

I had been thinking about us ..

You being you …

Me being with you I explored connection..like our souls  are both dancing to the same celestial rhythm  . 

I feel tenderness and lightness with you ..there is a deep emotional intimacy..I am asking myself where it came from ..We called it Divine ..but I am as you know me wanna delve into that ..

We were once lost , without a compass to guide us .. 

Then when i found you / you found me …or fate’s gentle hands guided us to each other .

All  of my life’s intimate feelings held for you were erupted to the surface , all that pain ,longing,and love .

I found my refuge.  As if every cell in my body has been waiting for you.

With you I feel safe .

I am comfortable in your presence. And there is this electricity of shared glances and gentle touches . 

How your hands embrace , hold and dance in my hands… like a ballet dancer  . 

The spark in you that ignites primal things within me ..

When I share my breath in your presence, I feel a soothing rhythm that calms my soul and brings me back to the joy of looking at you.

With you…I feel I am SEEN . I feel I can let down my guard . I shed down the masks I wear for the world..

With you I stop striving or performing..I am me ,without fear of rejection ..

Mind me of anticipating the excitement of reuniting with you . 

Mind me being ill of cold . And of you .

Sometimes, I just wanna feel home in your arms . 

Sometimes, I want you to feel home in my arms .

Sometimes i want your heartbeats to be my own rhythm. 

Sometimes i just wanna be lost in the galaxies of your eyes 

I cherish the moments when our hearts melt together . This ecstasy of being ONE . and the vulnerability of merging yourself with body and soul into someone you feel safe and loved with..

Unconditional belonging ..

I found my true self ,my one place in this world .

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