Monday Mania…

  •  a fabulous visit all weekend
  • waking up this morning. too coffee and homemade banana bread
  • changing by choice
  • having enough so many don’t
  • appreciating the little things
  • never taking even a second for granted
  • music that makes “be all in my feelings”
  • all the love. thhat surrounds me
  • a my fantastic  group of friends that never fail
  • family always
  • this beautiful day

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

2 thoughts on “Monday Mania…

  1. Thank you. I am finally able to access this site again. I’m not sure why I couldn’t but I am certainly happy to be back. I hope you and yours are happy, well and that life is treating you kindly. Much love and well wishes sent your way.

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