What Am I Grateful For?

This morning I’m grateful for Tai Chi classes on line.

Grateful for friends. They hold me up and we listen to each other.

My Hubby ! He has been out to mow already.

Grateful to have stuck to my diet. It will get easier and I have supportive friends.

When plans shift so new opportunities arise.

Thrift bargains. Reasonable enough that if they don’t fit you can donate them.

Creating a playlist on Alexa. Alexa is my clock , my thermometer and my radio.

Cool days make for sleepy nights.

Have a grateful day!

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

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