Friday Again

In pandemic I counted the weeks by Fridays. This week has gone fast!

Last Friday a nice meal out with a coupon to bring price down.

Meal give away over the weekend. Good feeling to serve. Enough food. Enough help.

No swimming this week but good sleeping weather But exercise every day has me grateful for pain relief. Trying essential oils!

New porch chairs! 50th chair Anniversary! (45th was too but we wore them out)

Laughing with a friend until we were breathless.

Had  never watched a convention before and the joy,hope and energy of this one was awesome.

Going to be addressing post cards to women for election. Michelle Obama said “Do something!”

Kids going back to school. Sigh! Bittersweet to see Summer end!

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

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