Sun: June 26: Pleasant conversations with family, productive day at work, good meals, air conditioner working well, opportunity to go to bed early/\.
Mon: June 27: Productive day at work, friendly help from co-workers, good meals, bed early.
Tues June 28: Early to meeting, friendly help from and conversation with co-workers, good meals, opportunity to prepare food for early morning baking session.
Weds June 29: Early to work, friendly help from co-workers, good meals, baking session went well, learned the value of “help me!” prayer.
Thurs June 30: Early to work, much help from co-workers, progress made at work, made it thru a tiring 10 hr day, bed early.
Fri July 1: Good meditation this morning, early to work, lots of good help from co-workers, good physical therapy appt, productive shopping trip, opportunity for early to bed.
Sat July 2: Well rested, good meals, productive shopping trip, interesting movie on you tube, progress at work, stretching and exercise.