Sun Apr 30, conversations with family and friends, lovely warm day, good walks, bed early.
Mon May 1, laptop back from shop and it works better! warm day, good walks, progress at work, cheerful help from co-workers, good meals, progress at work.
Tue May 2, early to work, cheerful help from co-workers, helpful chat with boss, pleasant lunch outside and sunny walk home, progress at work, helpful info from internet.
Wed May 3, progress at work, helpful info from gym.
Thu May 4, good walks, interesting seminar on internet, help from co-workers, lunch outside on warm day, progress at work
Fri May 5, well rested, good walks, helpful talk with boss, good walks, progress at work.
Sat May 6, pleasant walk to work, necessary rain, progress at work, help from cheerful retail worker, good meals.