- Waking up to see a new day. Thank you God.
- Waking up sober and nicotine free. Thanks to God and A.A. and family members who stuck by me through my sobriety.
- My son. He is pretty awesome.
- My pets. Skeeter walks around the house like he owns it. Jax looks at me with the most love in his eyes. He is going blind and death but he still show such great affection and seems happy to see both my son and me when we come home.
- My other family.
- My church family.
- Being able to plan my life but know in the end it is God’s will that is right and true.
- The snow is slowly but surely melting.
- The sunshine. It is a wonderful pick-me-up.
- Good music. I am a Christian but I still love a variety of music. I found a Christian Rock band I enjoy today.
- A nice warm bubble bath. Nice to pamper myself now and again.
- I can pray for people with all my heart and being.
- A job to go to that I like (most of the time) and can pay my bills. On days I feel I don’t want to go to work that there is most assuredly someone who wishes they had a job to go to…..enough said.
- People at my job who have become like family to be over the years. Grateful for them.
- My Pastor asking us to step outside sometime and look up at the heavens and say, “Hallelujah praise God”. I chose to do it at 5:20 this morning in the middle of 55th Avenue East. Not too loud but I did it. We have no problem jumping up and down when our favorite hockey team wins championships and praising them, so why would I have a problem praising God in the same way? Very grateful for Josh’s sermon yesterday.
- Last, and by no means not least, this wonderful site for staying online all this time. Love you guys!
I love your #15- yes, it is even more exciting and wonderful to live on this beautiful blue ball where we have the opportunity to breathe, love, and yes- watch championships, why shouldn’t we jump for joy and praise our Creator?