I’m thinking about stress how to avoid it and how to manage it. Gratitude is one tool.
Once a day I will go to stress free zone. We are blessed to have many places to go to enjoy the scenery.
Once a day I will lay down and listen to music. Richard always talks of listening to classical and I would like to but I don’t.
If I wake in the night I will mindfully relax.
Joined the Summer reading club and Becca’s book. Love to read. Will even reread a couple.
A walk everyday no matter how short. Gdaughter and I walked in the rain. Saw treetoads everywhere.
I have a stressful situation coming up this weekend. I can feel my body reacting to it already. Avoid what I can.
Listen to the cues. It’s time to change.
Mary ellen
Thinking peaceful and loving thoughts. I know what you need will appear. Faith. Love rose
Mary ellen
Thinking peaceful and loving thoughts. .Love rose
I have gotten into regular reading lately, besides my Bible. I have gotten back into reading a series, Secrets of Mary’s Bookshop in the past two or three weeks. The books are written by different authors. There are 24 books in the series that I know of and I am on number 5. They are Guidepost mysteries and have a Christian theme to them. :) I started reading them years ago and then got away from them. So happy I am back into them again.