The word glory was in a meditation I read this morning and I’m exploring it,embracing it and singing it out.
Rise and shine and give God your glory. He has done great things for us!
I am grateful to doctor,dentist and technicians. We put our health in their hands and trust with confidence. I am nervous as I wait but glory is in the completion.
Grateful for finding a way when the path is unclear so secure in the knowledge that things will work out. See -the universe is unfolding as it should.
The power of friendship and laughter. The renewal of a hike.
Sitting at every bench. Quiet talk. Silence so the birds will come. And they did- chickadees and nuthatches and a one eyed (purple people eater) not really I can’t remember .
The unexpected hill. The vision of blue Molly in the parking lot.
The Colors of Fall. Heavenly Blue morning glories. Glory be!