Grateful for what is working in my life. Grateful for my exercise because it boosts my energy and gives me something to look forward to in my day. Grateful for Gym pals, who can make it completely different when helping or tipping in something, because they remind me that I am not alone, there is other people who came here just like you to improve, change.
Grateful for what is working in my life. Positive affirmation ls, and self talk alternatives because they help me cope with stressful situations, thoughts. Also, now I am more aware of my triggers.
Grateful for this one person who has enriched my life this year, which is me. Grateful that I took my self to travel and have vacation alone, and with my family. Grateful that was able to take the decision tstartosome thing new and good, and and toxic and bad things. Grateful for this world, this nature, this music, those parents, this job, this time, this soul who helped me to be me.
Grateful for that one but not only kind gesture I received this year, when my parents, brother, and grandparents celebrated my birthday. It is still nice to think about all that kindness I felt from the people who showed up.