Gratitude journal
Grateful for today. Grateful for my yummy breakfast. Grateful for the next full of gratitude minutes. Grateful for my morning fasted workout.
Grateful for safe travels.
Grateful for water.
Grateful for hot beverages.
Grateful for the gift of seeing, listening,thinking.
Grateful for creating my own happiness by accepting every part of myself with unconditional love.
I accept my flows with unconditional love. I accept my anxiety, depression with unconditional love. Grateful for being given the gift and bless of taking choices of maturity like choosing to learn from my mistakes by being aware of them, and try not to make them again. At the end somethings will cease to exist, and other things will grow in me. Grateful for the bless of growth.
Love over fear.
Love the last rep of my workout, instead of fear of failure.
Love asking myself provoking questions instead of fear, repress.
Love confronting some friends with truths about our relationships, instead of fear of losing them, or they getting me wrong.
Love for today, instead of fear from yesterday or tomorrow.
Love for knowing myself, instead of fear from what I would know!
Love for knowing new people, love for being vulnerable ،instead of fear of not fitting in.