My friend says tomorrow is Fall so goodbye Summer. Cerebrally =so long. Emotionally= begone! Gratefully I remain strong!
Grateful to have survived a Summer of doctors visits and physical therapy. Grateful for insurance so we aren’t destitute. Grateful for new doctors. We are alive!
Grateful for my home. The porch and the comfy spots.The AC to make things tolerable.
Grateful for quiet days,peaceful naps and early nights. No action. No reactions.A time of rest.
Thank you to all the authors who wrote all the books that entertained me for hours.Some days I was reading one a day.
My Facebook friends. My swimming friends. Face to face at a slow pace.When I speed up I have to slow down. But slower I see more!
looking forward to cooler temperatures and a change of scenery. Life outside the goldfish bowl!