King of Queens

Today, I find myself overflowing with gratitude. I am grateful for my physical body, which allows me to move through the world with ease and comfort. I am thankful for the clothes that I am able to wear, and for the feeling of confidence that comes with knowing I can present myself to the world in any way I choose.

I am grateful for the changing of the seasons, and for the opportunity to bundle up in warm, cozy winter jackets. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me, including the many blessings that have come my way, such as promotions and professional success.

I am grateful for my commitment to my physical fitness, and for the strength and resilience that comes with a dedicated workout routine. I am thankful for my health and my teeth, which allow me to nourish my body and to fully experience all the joys of life.

I am grateful for the gift of reflection, which helps me to remember important moments and to appreciate the beauty in each passing day. I am grateful for the love and support of my family, especially my light-hearted father and my kind mother.

I am grateful for the restorative power of a good night’s sleep, and for the ability to find joy and laughter in the simple pleasures of life, such as the comedy series “King of Queens.”

Finally, I am grateful for the transcendent beauty of music, such as the awe-inspiring compositions of Anton Bruckner. And I am grateful for the technology that allows us to capture and preserve the precious moments of our lives through the simple act of taking photos with our phones.

4 thoughts on “King of Queens

  1. Thank you for your gratitude list. You write beautifully. I too am fond of Bruckner’s music, especially the 4th symphony.

    1. You are welcome dear friend, it is so rare to find someone who loves Bruckner’s music ,1. I am grateful for having access to clean water and nourishing food that sustains my body.

      2. I am grateful for the wonderful experience of virtually walking alongside my parents by the sea through a messenger app.

      3. I am grateful for the refreshing and restorative gift of a good night’s sleep.

      4. I am grateful for the encouragement and assistance of my supportive colleagues at work.

      5. I am grateful for the basic necessities of a safe and comfortable shelter, including a roof over my head, a cozy bed, and a soft pillow.

      6. I am grateful for the peaceful and serene surroundings of my neighborhood that provide a sense of calm and security.

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