1. Isn’t music a miracle?
2. There are so many songs that have made a difference in my life.
3. The lullabies when I was a baby.
4. 60s music when I was in high school and college
5. 60s music now that I am in my 60s — lololol
6. The songs I sing in the shower to lift my spirits — “Amazing Grace” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone”
7. Today I was singing, “Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day” — it just came out of nowhere and made me feel like I was going to have a terrific day!
8. Those songs I attach to people I love — “I Just Called to Say I Love You” for my husband Tom. When he used to teach school, if he called me and I could tell he was in the office with a bunch of people, I would say embarrassingly romantic things to him, and if he called me when I was at my needlework store, and he could tell there were customers around, he would do the same thing! That became our song because of our silliness!
9. The lullabies and fun songs I sang to and with my children, and now grandchildren. What could be a more fun singing experience than singing with a child?
10. My new fun idea for my 1,000 fun things to do challenge on celebratepossibilities.blogspot.com is to collect the lyrics for lots of songs you ever loved and put them in a notebook. It’s really easy now with the internet — you can even find a song when you don’t remember the title by putting in some of the lyrics with a keyword search!