1. huge woodpecker in the yard this morning — what a wonderful burst of nature energy for me!
2. going to the Kaleidoscope Quilt show with Riva
3. getting the book KALEIDOSCOPE ARTISTRY by Cozy Baker — stunning!
4. girlfriend lunch with Riva (who is also my prayer partner)
5. spending an hour reading names from many prayers lists for the World Day of Prayer with Riva and Rose at Unity
6. getting ready for a Zentangle class tonight at another library
7. having a rough start to the day (as in going back to bed and pulling the covers up over my head), but grateful that I knew that would help
8. thankful for another day in my office/art studio/apartment
9. figuring out new ways to stay upright and cheerful — knowing that I am privileged to have such a blessed life
10. now